Banks and financial services providers are situated in an area where national and international GAAP’s are changing. Additionally they have to increasingly fulfill more detailed reporting requirements which are coming from different stakeholders for example investors, employees and supervisory authorities.
FINREP and COREP are just two examples of challenges generated by GAAP’s HGB/BILMOG and IAS/IFRS.
Specifically, these areas will demand reports with ever increasing requirements and will require organizations to implemented intelligent systems to locate the information in their systems and ensure it is formatted according to their individual requirements. FMC has significant experience in a wide variety of banks and financial services provides and we can support for compliance initiatives by providing experienced employees who not only know the regulations and implied requirements but are also involved in discussions with likeminded specialist to ensure the requirements are implemented in a cost efficient manner. Using our connections to financial institutes and internal think tanks we are able to provide individualized solutions that provide both an analytical as well as a technical best fit for our customers.
FMC can support your project from preliminary investigation, via design to implementation and testing in all areas. FMC offers a trio of expertise, IT-skills and project management skills.
See for yourself of your opportunities for example by a first screening of your financial reporting to improve performance and save costs.